Thousands of printable worksheets to help your child master the skills

Grade levels K to 8

Welcome to School Owls.

We are dedicated to provide quality math’s worksheets for all ages, targeting to minimize the screen time for kids. Excessive screen time is considered as one of the crucial risk factors that can potentially hamper the early developmental processes in children. Physical, behavioral, emotional, and cognitive developments occur very rapidly in young children and excessive screen time affects adversely. It may affect their sleep, attention span and reduced human interaction can result in delayed language and emotional development. Children and teens who spend too much time in front of a screen may seem sad, overly tired, stressed or fearful, isolated from friends or family, withdrawn, nervous, agitated or tense, aggressive or angry or lonely. Studies show that printable worksheets are better compared to app-based learning in multiple ways.

Welcome to School Owls.

We are dedicated to provide quality math’s worksheets for all ages, targeting to minimize the screen time for kids. Excessive screen time is considered as one of the crucial risk factors that can potentially hamper the early developmental processes in children. Physical, behavioral, emotional, and cognitive developments occur very rapidly in young children and excessive screen time affects adversely. It may affect their sleep, attention span and reduced human interaction can result in delayed language and emotional development. Children and teens who spend too much time in front of a screen may seem sad, overly tired, stressed or fearful, isolated from friends or family, withdrawn, nervous, agitated or tense, aggressive or angry or lonely. Studies show that printable worksheets are better compared to app-based learning in multiple ways.

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